Synergy of PKL’s Sossi and Safari Simbaz partnership

Sossi together with Safari Simbaz enjoy great synergy that the relation brings where each party supports the other in own events. The partnership has lasted since 2010 and is centred on nutrition, sporting and empowerment where life skills are imparted. “The power of the bike” is used as a stepping stone to acquire skills like mechanical skills to repair and maintain bikes, bike sporting exposure, among other opportunities for youth residing in low income areas of kikuyu and environs.
This September Safari Simbaz team participated in Tatu City Road Race which comprised of a 116km and 60km race for professionals and juniors respectively. Other categories were men, women, veterans, and seniors where a total 250 cyclists participated. Safari Simbaz fronted 19 riders for the race who clad in Sossi riding gear. The race which was flagged off at 9am ended towards noon time. The Sossi Simbaz did the brand proud clinching 11 out of 20 cash awards during the fete for top performance in varying categories. To cap it all Sossi was part of the hospitality team that sponsored a warm nutritious meal comprising of Sossi pilau and gifted participants who included cyclists, marshals and spectators with a Sossi goodie bag.
In a similar manner a team of three Sossi Simbaz cyclists supported the Sossi marketing effort in our consumer activations across Nairobi. The team cycled on roller blades atop a block board set up near customer base were instrumental in pulling and engaging the crowds by advocating the importance of protein in nutrition and sporting. This has provided the Sossi marketing team the opportunity to share brand benefits and induce trial of cooked product as well as initiate sales among spectators in Kayole, Athi River, Kibera, Kawangware, Utawala, Embakasi and Kangemi neighbourhoods. The activity saw the number of consumers that PKL would ordinarily engage with trebling.
Overall the partnership has enabled PKL to continue with brand awareness, consumer education and exposing the brand to a new target market.