Sossi mince takes the market by storm

Promasidor Kenya launched Sossi tasty soya mince into the Kenyan market in July 2012. The Sossi brand has also gained more shelf space, translating to higher instore visibility.
Wet sampling is currently ongoing to educate consumers on the benefits that the product offers. Commenting on the consumer benefits, Promasidor Kenya Marketing Director, Mark Williams, said, "Sossi mince has a highly preferred mouth feel. Children especially favour this in their menu and therefore parents are embracing the product. In Kenya minced meat is consumed by people with higher incomes. This is because it is more expensive versus other cuts of meat. This presented an opportunity to launch the Sossi mince variant at a premium price yet still the best value for money." Sossi Mince also keeps us ahead of our competitors in terms of innovation, shelf space and also capturing another food segment Research conducted before the launch indicated that higher LSM's consume mince meat.
Additionally, this is a quick meal to whip up alongside rice and pasta dishes, making it convenient. Sossi mince will not only be for household consumption but it should also attract commercial entities. It's being used in the catering industry to prepare vegetarian snacks and snacks such as samosas, kebabs and pizza toppings.